The Women’s University in Africa (WUA) is inviting eligible and qualified bidders to take part in the following bidding competition:


    ITEM Tender Number Tender DESCRIPTION Opening date Closing date and Time
    1. WUAKR/2024 Supply and Delivery of Brand new KWID Renault Vehicle 10 June 2024 18 June 2024 at 10.00am
    2. WUA9TT/2024 Supply and Delivery of Brand new 9- Tonne Truck 10 June 2024 18 June 2024 at 10.00am
    3. WUA65SB/2023 Supply and Delivery of Brand New 65-Seater Bus 10 June 2024 18 June 2024 at 10.00am



    Bidding documents containing detailed requirements and specifications can be obtained from the WUA Website www.wua.ac.zw  from 10 June 2024 to 18 June 2024, and payment of a non-refundable fee of 50.00 USD into the Women’s University in Africa ZB Bank Account Number


    Tender Bids will be dropped at Women’s University in Africa Procurement Department in Sealed Khaki envelopes not later than Tuesday 18 June 2024 at 10.00am.

    Bidders are invited to witness the opening of the Bids at 11.00 am on the same day after the closing date of tender submission.



