• Student Representative Council
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    The aim of the union is to provide representation and support to students at Women’s University in Africa. This includes advocating for their interests, fostering effective communication with university authorities, promoting cooperation with students both locally and internationally, and working towards eliminating gender disparities and promoting equity within the university. The union also aims to encourage cultural integration, facilitate the formation of clubs and societies, protect students’ freedom of expression, and contribute to the development of future African leaders in alignment with the university’s vision.

    1. Secretary
    2. Vice Secretary
    3. Secretary General
    4. Minister of Information and Publicity
    5. Minster of Information and Environment
    6. Minister of Sports and Entertainment
    7. Minister of Legal and Academic Affairs
    8. Minister of Finance
    9. Minister of Social Welfare

    Campus Representatives;

    1. Bulawayo
    2. Kadoma
    3. Mutare
    4. Marondera

    Secretary: Tanaka Mugove

    The President is the highest-ranking member of the SRC and is responsible for overall leadership and management of the council. They represent the student body, preside over meetings, and act as the main spokesperson for the SRC.

    Vice Secretary: Dalitso Ndlovu

    The Vice President supports the President and assumes their responsibilities in their absence. They work closely with the President and assist in various tasks related to the smooth functioning of the SRC.

    Secretary General: Lawson Katabvu

    The Secretary General is responsible for maintaining accurate records of meetings, handling official correspondence, and managing administrative tasks within the SRC. They ensure that communication flows effectively and maintain records of the council’s activities.

    Contact: 0782938793

    Minister of Information and Publicity: Kudzai Mutize

    The Minister of Information and Publicity is responsible for disseminating information and promoting the activities and initiatives of the SRC. They handle public relations, maintain social media platforms, and ensure effective communication between the SRC and the student body.

    Contact: 0783161167

    Minister of Finance: Takudzwa Chikwanha

    The Minister of Finance manages the financial affairs of the SRC. They develop budgets, monitor expenditures, and ensure transparency and accountability in financial matters. They may also seek funding opportunities and manage sponsorship relationships.

    Contact: 0776280561

    Minister of Information and Environment: Vital Maronjese

    The Minister of Information and Environment focuses on raising awareness about environmental issues and promoting sustainable practices within the university community. They may organize awareness campaigns, implement eco-friendly initiatives, and collaborate with relevant stakeholders.

    Contact: 0774579485

    Minister of Sports and Entertainment: Takudzwa Gwenzi

    The Minister of Sports and Entertainment is responsible for organizing sports events, recreational activities, and entertainment programs for the student body. They promote a vibrant campus life and create opportunities for students to engage in physical activities and cultural events.

    Contact: 0786451115

    Minister of Legal and Academic Affairs: Tanyaradzwa Jahni

    The Minister of Legal and Academic Affairs addresses matters related to academic welfare and legal concerns of the student body. They may provide support and guidance to students facing academic challenges, advocate for student rights, and liaise with university administration on academic policy matters.

    Contact: 0778956478

    Minister of Social Welfare: Berlin Gwasira

    The Minister of Social Welfare focuses on the overall well-being of students and addresses social issues affecting the student community. They may organize counseling services, support initiatives for student well-being, and collaborate with relevant organizations to provide resources and support.

    Contact: 0772599341

    Bulawayo Campus Representatives: Christopher B Dube

    The campus representative serves as a link between the SRC and the students at their respective campuses. They represent the interests and concerns of students from their campuses during SRC meetings and activities. They gather feedback, address campus-specific issues, and ensure effective communication and representation within the SRC.

    Contact: 0777338059

    Kadoma Campus Representatives: Tarisai Chapanduka

    The campus representative serves as a link between the SRC and the students at their respective campuses. They represent the interests and concerns of students from their campuses during SRC meetings and activities. They gather feedback, address campus-specific issues, and ensure effective communication and representation within the SRC.

    Contact: 0787393190

    Mutare Campus Representatives: Denzel Mutenure

    The campus representative serves as a link between the SRC and the students at their respective campuses. They represent the interests and concerns of students from their campuses during SRC meetings and activities. They gather feedback, address campus-specific issues, and ensure effective communication and representation within the SRC.

    Contact: 0773072123

    Marondera Campus Representatives: Peter Dzova

    The campus representative serves as a link between the SRC and the students at their respective campuses. They represent the interests and concerns of students from their campuses during SRC meetings and activities. They gather feedback, address campus-specific issues, and ensure effective communication and representation within the SRC.

    Contact: 0713909977
