• WUA International Advisory Committee Role
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    To assist the Director of the International Programmes and Global Initiatives, the Women’s University in Africa Internationalisation Committee (WUA) has established an Internationalisation Advisory Committee (IDC). The Committee serves as the advisory body to the Office of International Programmes and Global Initiatives in the area of faculty, staff, and students mobility (study abroad, etc.)

    In the area of faculty, staff, and students’ mobility, the WUA IC reviews proposals for new programmes and programme adjustments, recommend students for study abroad programs, and reviews and recommends policies. In addition, international student concerns are brought to the WUA IC attention for consideration and recommendations. Faculty and staff development related to international mobility
    and other matters shall also be reviewed by the WUA IC who can make recommendations to the appropriate WUA body based on proposals from the Director of International Programmes and Global Initiatives.
    In the area of support of the WUA OIP, the committee is also tasked with the following:

    • Review the results of the WUA Annual Internationalisation Survey of faculty, staff, and students and provide recommendations for improvements
    • Assist in curriculum development dealing with international education
    • Provide feedback on the Office of International Programmes and Global Initiatives website.
    • Review the assessment methods of faculty, staff, and students mobility programmes.

    The WUA IDC is composed of the following members for the period of 2023-2025:
    Members are designated by their respective units for a period of two years renewable once.

    • Management and Entrepreneurship Sciences Faculty
    • Social and Gender and Transformative Sciences Faculty
    • Agriculture, Environment, and Health Sciences Faculty
    • Dean of Students Office
    • Registrar Office
    • Marketing, Communications and Public Relations
    • Students’ Representative Council