• Master of Science MSc in Sociology Gender Studies
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    Regulation for Master of Science in Sociology and Gender Studies


    Regulations for the Master of Science (MSc) in Sociology and Gender Studies shall apply subject to provisions for both the University and Faculty General Academic Regulations.  Generally, Faculty Regulations shall normally take precedence over specific degree or diploma special regulations where both are read together.

    This programme offers a wide range of courses based on contemporary issues in both Sociology and Gender, which have become very important means of interpreting contemporary social life in a critical manner. The theoretical orientations of this programme will include classical and contemporary Sociological theories as well as dominant Gender conceptual frameworks within the student’s programmatic emphasis.

    Programme Justification

    There is a significant gap in the country on postgraduate programmes in this area which combines key contemporary sociological and gender issues. Data from analysis of Higher Education Institutions in Zimbabwe revealed that presently, institutions offer postgraduate degrees in either Sociology or Gender Studies. The Master of Science in Sociology and Gender Studies is therefore critical in that it takes an inter-disciplinary approach by combining the two fields of (a) Sociology and (b) Gender Studies. It also offers an opportunity for past and existing WUA students who pursued or are pursuing the Bachelors Degree in Sociology and Gender Development Studies to advance their studies in higher level studies (See attached the Needs Assessment Report).

    Programme Aim

    To create a steady flow of national and international experts who are familiar with key theories and debates in Sociology and Gender Studies.

    Programme Objectives

    The overall objectives of the programme are to:

    3.1 Provide participants with opportunities to acquire extended and specialised knowledge in Sociology and Gender studies in their theoretical as well as practical dimensions;

    3.2 Map links between Sociology and other disciplines relevant to Gender studies.

    3.3 Develop and enhance students’ familiarity with key theories and debates in Sociology and Gender Studies.

    3.4 Foster an interdisciplinary approach to the study of Sociology and gender; and

    3.4 Promote critical thinking on the application of contemporary sociological theories in addressing key normative questions of democracy and social justice from a gendered perspective.

    Intended Learning Outcomes

    Students completing the MSc in Sociology and Gender Studies will develop the following competencies:

    • Understand and extend Sociology and Gender theoretical frameworks for critically and systematically producing knowledge about social phenomena.
    • Relate sociological perspectives to social, economic, and political issues and policies.
    • Recognize and understand how structural, cultural, and relational contexts shape systems of gender, power, access, and inequity.
    • Develop a reflexive and ethical sense of how diversity operates in social settings.
    • Be an informed and critical consumer and producer of sociological knowledge.
    • Conceptualize and design research projects, conduct data collection according to established principles, and engage in rigorous analysis.
    • Critically evaluate existing research in the field.
    • Conduct scholarly and professional activities according to ethical standards.

    6.0 Career Prospects and Employment Opportunities

    The MSc in Sociology and Gender Studies is a programme that provides students with the knowledge, skills, and understanding to become better Practitioners in this field. Students studying for this programme will be able to work in many sectors, including in NGOs, government, and acclaimed academic and research institutions. They degree programme avails opportunities for graduates to be employed as researchers, development consultants, development workers, sociologists, among many other job opportunities.

    Entry Requirements

    Subject to provisions of the University and Faculty General Academic Regulations for admission, the following entry requirements shall apply:

    • A Bachelors’ degree in Humanities and Social Sciences.
    • Employment in the government, Non-Governmental Organisations, or any other civil society organisation in the area of gender policy and women’s rights is an added advantage.
    • At least two years of professional experience relevant to the programme is an added advantage.
    • Applicants must have a good written command of English – the working language of the course.
    • A high competence and comfort with computer and Internet use.

    Duration of the Programme

    This programme shall take one and a half years to complete on full-time basis delivered in block release and conventional classes. The entire Master’s degree shall consist of 8 core courses (offered in two batches of 4 courses each semester), and a dissertation.

    9.0 Coursework Assessment

    Students will be assessed using assignments (both group and individual) which may be presented in written or class presentation form. The Coursework Assessment will contribute 30% of the student’s overall mark while the examination makes up for the remaining 70%.

    Admission to Examinations

    For admission to the examinations, a candidate must:

    • Have registered as a student of Women’s University in Africa in accordance with the General Academic Regulations for Postgraduates.
    • Have successfully completed the approved courses of study to the satisfaction of` the university, including submission and attaining a pass (50% and above) in coursework for individual courses.


    Lectures: 45

    Seminars: 20

    Field visits: 25

    Sub-total: 90

    Self-Directed Learning                                                        

    Preparation for scheduled sessions:15

    Reading or practice:15

    Writing assignments :15

    Revision work:15

    Sub-total: 60


    Scheduled assessment time

    Final written examinations:3

    In-class tests:  2

    Presentations: 3

    Practical skills:2

    Sub-total :10

    Grand total: 120

    Notional study time = 70 + 40+ 10 = 160 hours

    1 credit = 10 hours

    Therefore, credits for the Master of Arts Strategic Communication Programme (Level 9) = 16 credits per course

    First Year Semester One

       Code Course Notional Hours
    MSG 111 Politics and Social Theory 16
    MSG 112 Gender, Imperialism and International Development 16
    MSG 113 Sociology of Modernity 16
    MSG 114 Advanced Research methods 16


    First Year Semester Two                

    Codes Course  
    MSG 121 Gender Analysis and Development Practice 16
    MSG 122 Sociology of Law 16
    MSG 123 Contemporary Feminism 16
    MSG 124 Social Movements and Social Justice 16


    MSG 125 Dissertation 32

    Second Year Semester Three


