• Master Of Science in Strategic Marketing MSM
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    Regulations for the Master of Strategic Marketing degree shall apply subject to provisions for both the University General Academic Regulations for postgraduate degree programmes and Faculty General Academic Regulations.


    The Master of Strategic Marketing degree is designed to prepare managers to work at a strategic level and manage efficiently in a complex and uncertain environment.

    Intended Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the program, students will be able to:

    • Design, implement and evaluate marketing plans including digital and service marketing strategies;
    • Develop, execute and assess integrated marketing communications plans covering but not limited to the following communication mix elements—personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, advertising, exhibitions, direct marketing, sponsorship, word of mouth, direct marketing, packaging and merchandising;
    • Craft, implement and evaluate international marketing strategies;
    • Carry out business and marketing research and apply research findings to inform marketing decisions;
    • Design, execute and appraise brand strategies;
    • Design, implement and evaluate strategic plans; and
    • Undertake marketing consultancy assignments in various specialised areas of marketing— facilitating strategic and operational marketing planning, marketing research, consumer research, brand and product research, promotional research, pricing research, distribution research, international marketing research, etc.


    Subject to provisions of the General Academic Regulations for Postgraduate degree programmes and Faculty General Academic Regulations for admission, the following entry requirement shall apply:

    • A minimum of a first degree in any business-related field.


    The Master of Strategic Marketing shall take 2 years to complete. The programme structure is as follows.


    Course Code Course Title
    MSM111 Consumer Behaviour
    MSM112 Global Economy
    MBA114 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
    MSM113 Accounting for Managers
    MSM114 Strategic Quality Management


    Course Code Course Title
    MSM121 Strategic Marketing
    MSM122 Integrated Marketing Communications
    MSM123 Business Research Methods
    KMBA124 Gender and Management
    MSM125 International Marketing Strategy


    Course Code Course Title
    MSM211 Social Marketing
    MSM212 Services Marketing & Consultancy
    MSM213 Financial Aspects of Marketing
    MSM214 Digital Marketing
    MSM215 Strategic Brand Management


    Course Code Course Title
    MSM221 Dissertation


    Examinations will normally be held at the end of each Semester. To be admitted to the examinations, a student must have registered for and satisfactorily completed the prescribed scheme of study which includes 80% lecture attendance, and submission of written assignments. Coursework shall count for 30% of the overall assessment of a course while end-of-course examinations shall count for 70%.  A student can only proceed to the next semester if he/she attains a minimum GPA of 2.0.


    Here are just a few of the career opportunities that graduates of the Master of Strategic Marketing will be ready for:

    • Marketing consultancy;
    • Marketing director,
    • Information and communications director;
    • Business development director;
    • eCommerce marketing director;
    • Content marketing manager;
    • Digital brand manager;
    • Senior brand manager;
    • Public Relations manager;
    • Market research executive; and
    • Advertising director.

    In addition, the programme capacitates graduates to venture into entrepreneurship and develop businesses.
