• Master of Arts in Strategic Communication MSCOM
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    Regulations for the Master of Arts in Strategic Communication (MSCOM) (Level 9) shall apply subject to provisions for both the University and Faculty General Academic Regulations. Generally Faculty Regulations shall normally take precedence over specific degree special regulations where both are read together.

    Rationale for the Programme

    Expert communication practitioners in various organizations are part of key personnel as their post cuts across the entire spectrum of activities and departments, and also link with critical external stakeholders, including the media. These practitioners mange the human relations side of the business, which is as important as product quality or service delivery. As such, the job market has many positions that require communication experts. Yet there are only two universities in the country that offer communication related masters degrees, as opposed to the seven universities that offer communication related undergraduate programmes. Yet in Zimbabwe, there are only two universities which offer a postgraduate related qualification, despite having seven universities which offer communication related degrees. Introducing a Master of Art in Strategic Communication (Level 9) will enable graduates of this programme to be the best candidates for the job where such expertise is required. Additionally, the existent postgraduate programmes are geared more towards media studies, rather than communication. This programme will bridge this gap by offering a postgraduate programme that is centred on communication.

    The environment in which most organisations operate necessitates the ability to adapt to the pace of change, technological advancement and economic instability. In such an increasingly technological, networked and everchanging society, this masters degree will empower its graduates with the advanced knowledge and expertise that is essential to achieve organisational goals, facilitate stakeholder relationships, reputation management, change management employee engagement and media relations at an individual, societal and global level. It would also produce graduates who possess emotional intelligence and strong negotiation skills. Therefore, these graduates would be expert communication practitioners and leaders.

    Programme Aim

    To offer students a unique blend of human and professional strategic communication theory and skills so that they are able to communicate appropriately and effectively in interpersonal, intercultural, organisational, and mediated settings.

    Programme Objectives

    The overall objectives of the programme are to:

    • Provide students with the knowledge and understanding of the theories of strategic communication and persuasion;
    • Equip students with advanced strategic communication knowledge and expertise that are essential to achieving organisational goals;
    • Equip students with emotional intelligence and strong negotiation skills;
    • Equip students with the ability to facilitate stakeholder relationships, reputation management,, change management and media relations for an organisation; and
    • Produce graduates with the innovation and critical thinking skills required to be expert communication practitioners and leaders.

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the programme, student should be able to:

    • Possess strategic thinking and message creation skills that are needed to work in most industries;
    • Lead and participate in the team development of organisational communication strategies;
    • Implement overall communication objectives, strategies and tactics with ethics and integrity;
    • Plan, produce and evaluate strategic communication programmes and campaigns; and
    • Succeed in positions that require strategic thinking, planning, project management and content creation.


    An Admissions Committee administers the policy on admission to the MSCOM programme (Level 9) as per University Regulations, subject to approval by Senate.

    Entry Requirements:

    A good relevant first general degree (Level 7) or honours degree (Level 8) with an equivalent of 2.2 degree class or an advanced diploma from a recognised institution of higher learning, subject to approval by the Admissions Committee. Prior learning may also be considered by the Admission Committee. In the latter case, three references certifying the candidate’s ability and suitability to undertake the programme are required.


    There shall be no exemptions allowed for any course on the basis of courses previously taken at undergraduate, postgraduate or any other level in programme of study that is deemed to be equivalent to a prescribed course.

    Duration of Programme

    The MSCOM programme (Level 9) shall comprise eight taught courses and a dissertation.

    The MSCOM degree (Level 9) shall be awarded to candidates who have successfully completed the approved courses and examinations at this University as set out below. There will be evening, holiday/block release and weekend classes which are taught over a total period of eighteen months years divided into three parts comprising two semesters that are devoted to taught courses; and the third semester that is devoted to the writing of a supervised dissertation.

    Assessment of the Students:

    Each course shall be assessed continuously and examined. Thus, normally evaluation shall be based on continuous assessment as well as examination.

    The weighting shall be as follows:

    Coursework                30%

    Examination                70%

    Career Opportunities

    Internal/external organisational communication specialists in public sector

    private sector and non-profit sector;

    1. Advertising;
    2. Public relations;
    3. Media Consultancy and entrepreneurship;
    4. Publishing;
    5. Social research


    Contact time                                                             

    Lectures: 45

    Seminars: 20

    Field visits: 25

    Sub-total: 90

    Self-Directed Learning                                                        

    Preparation for scheduled sessions: 15

    Reading or practice:  15

    Writing assignments: 15

    Revision work:15

    Sub-total: 60

    Scheduled assessment time

    Final written examinations: 3

    In-class tests:  2

    Presentations: 3

    Practical skills: 2

    Sub-total: 10

    Grand total: 120

    Notional study time = 70 + 40+ 10 = 160 hours

    1 credit = 10 hours

    Therefore, credits for the Master of Arts Strategic Communication Programme (Level 9)  = 16 credits per course

    1.10 Courses on Offer

    All courses are compulsory.

    First Year First Semester

    Code                      Course                               Credits

    MSC111          Theories and Principles of Strategic Communication        16

    MSC112          Gender, Communication and Development                       16

    MSC113          Ethics and Strategic Communication                                 16

    MDS113         Advanced Qualitative Research Methods                          16

    First Year Second Semester                          

    Code                       Course                                Credits

    MSC121            Advanced Strategic Communications                             16

    MSC122            Risk and Crisis Communication                                      16

    MSC123            Public Diplomacy and Strategic Communication             16

    MDS125            Advanced Quantitative Research Methods                      16

    Second Year First Semester

    Code                       Course                                Credits

    MSC211               Advanced Publication and Design                                16

    MSC212               Communication Training and Development                 16

    MSC213               Strategic Communications in a Digital Era                   16

    MSC214              Global Media and Cross-cultural Communication         16


    Second Year Second Semester                          

    Code                       Course                                Credit

    MSC 221                 Dissertation                                                                32


    Total Credits for the Programme are therefore 224 credits
