• Certificate in Early Childhood Development
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    These regulations should be read in conjunction with the General Academic Regulations (GAR) for Certificates for the Women’s University in Africa (WUA).  The regulations shall be subject to approval by the University Senate and shall include objectives of the programme, provision to admission and courses as well as scheme of examinations of the same.  The certificate in ECD shall be awarded to students who have completed the course in accordance with the Regulations below.  These regulations apply only to students registered for the Certificate in ECD.


    The students shall acquire the following:

    • Basic knowledge of ECD practice;
    • Basic skills on record keeping
    • Basic skills for toy production
    • Basic knowledge on child development
    • Basic knowledge on child study and lesson planning.

    Entry Requirements
    A minimum of 3 O’ level subjects including English Language.
    Those with 2 O’ level subject including English plus and certificate in ECD from a recognised institution may be accepted.

    The Certificate in ECD shall take 6 months to complete.  It shall be offered on a block release basis.

    Course of Study

    Part 1: Theory work which covers 6 modules in 6 weeks.

    • Health and the Centre Environment
    • Child Development
    • The Early Childhood Development (ECD) Curriculum
    • The Early Childhood Development (ECD) Teacher
    • Management and Administration of Early Childhood Development (ECD) settings/Centres.
    • Historical, Philosophical and Sociological perspectives of Early Childhood Development (ECD).

    Part 2: Practicum
    Students shall be on Practicum for a full school term. Students who are already teaching are exempted from practicum.

    Part 3: Toy production.
    It runs concurrently with the other parts.

    Length of blocks:
    First block 4 weeks
    Second block 2 weeks

    The blocks include a written assignment for each module.
    Lectures:   Three courses per day (08:00-16:00)
    Proposed Time Table for blocks:  During school holidays (April and August).

    All admitted students shall be registered with the academic registry of the University and individual registration numbers shall be allocated.

    Scheme of Assessment
    Final assessment for the Certificate in ECD shall be as follows:

    • 6 written assignments 30%
    • Toy production 30%
    • Practicum (shall be determined on the basis of two school/centre-based crits) 40%.
    • No written examinations for these students.

    Course Outlines
    In accordance with the general provisions in the General Academic regulations, detailed course outlines do not form part of the General Academic Faculty regulations, but shall be submitted through the appropriate Faculty Board for approval.  Detailed copies of course outlines shall be kept in the Faculty Office for reference.

    Marks of Distinction
    Marks of distinction may be awarded in the theory and/or in practicum in accordance with the provisions of General Academic Regulations for Certificates and Diplomas based on the marks obtained at the end of the programme.

    Award of the Certificate in ECD
    To be eligible for the award of the Certificate in ECD, students must have:
    Registered for and successfully completed the courses as provided in these regulations; and
    Satisfied all other requirements laid down in these regulations and any other relevant statutes and regulations of the University.
